
本体是在原有VM的基础上添加了memory部分,实现wasm虚拟机的堆栈处理部分。 在调用合约时会执行下面函数:

func (this *WasmVmService) Invoke() (interface{}, error) {

    stateMachine := NewWasmStateMachine()

    //register the "CallContract" function

    stateMachine.Register("ONT_CallContract", this.callContract)

    stateMachine.Register("ONT_MarshalNativeParams", this.marshalNativeParams)

    stateMachine.Register("ONT_MarshalNeoParams", this.marshalNeoParams)


func (i *WasmStateReader) Register(name string, handler func(*exec.ExecutionEngine) (bool, error)) bool {

    if _, ok := i.serviceMap[name]; ok {

        return false


    i.serviceMap[name] = handler

    return true



func (this *WasmVmService) runtimeLog(engine *exec.ExecutionEngine) (bool, error) {

    vm := engine.GetVM()

    envCall := vm.GetEnvCall()

    params := envCall.GetParams()

    if len(params) != 1 {

        return false, errors.NewErr("[RuntimeLog]parameter count error ")


    item, err := vm.GetPointerMemory(params[0])

    if err != nil {

        return false, err


    context := this.ContextRef.CurrentContext()

    txHash := this.Tx.Hash()

    event.PushSmartCodeEvent(txHash, 0, event.EVENT_LOG, &event.LogEventArgs{TxHash: txHash, ContractAddress: context.ContractAddress, Message: string(item)})


    return true, nil


将获取的结果存入堆栈中,并返回指针。 在执行代码时,首先解析module部分,然后创建新的VM:

func (e *ExecutionEngine) call(caller common.Address,

    code []byte,

    input []byte,

    actionName string,

    ver byte) (returnbytes []byte, er error) {

    if ver > 0 { //production contract version

        methodName := CONTRACT_METHOD_NAME //fix to "invoke"

        //1. read code

        bf := bytes.NewBuffer(code)

        //2. read module

        m, err := wasm.ReadModule(bf, importer)

        if err != nil {

            return nil, errors.NewErr("[Call]Verify wasm failed!" + err.Error())


        //3. verify the module

        //already verified in step 2

        //4. check the export

        //every wasm should have at least 1 export

        if m.Export == nil {

            return nil, errors.NewErr("[Call]No export in wasm!")


        vm, err := NewVM(m)


func (vm *VM) newFuncTable() {

    vm.funcTable[ops.I32Clz] = vm.i32Clz

    vm.funcTable[ops.I32Ctz] = vm.i32Ctz

    vm.funcTable[ops.I32Popcnt] = vm.i32Popcnt

    vm.funcTable[ops.I32Add] = vm.i32Add

    vm.funcTable[ops.I32Sub] = vm.i32Sub

    vm.funcTable[ops.Call] = vm.call

    vm.funcTable[ops.CallIndirect] = vm.callIndirect


func (vm *VM) call() {

    index := vm.fetchUint32()

    vm.doCall(vm.compiledFuncs[index], int64(index))

func (vm *VM) doCall(compiled compiledFunction, index int64) {

        vm.envCall.envPreCtx = prevCtxt

        v, ok := vm.Services[compiled.name]

        if ok {

            rtn, err := v(vm.Engine)

这里还有一个问题存疑,就是在解析wasm文件时,调用的ONT API是作为外部函数的,解析时会找不到,这个是通过编译器解决的还是其他方式还未看懂。

